Taxable Shipments - Lost Transactions


Version: 150113

Printed Report Title: Taxable Shipments - Lost Transactions

Report Summary

Date range report showing transactions where no state was indicated pack size and volume in units, BBLs, gallons and liters. 

Default Location In OBeer

Base Module:  Sales - A/R > Sales Reports > Orchestrated Reports > Taxable Shipments

Reports Module:  Reports > Sales and Purchasing > Orchestrated Reports (1) > Taxable Shipments

*These are the standard default locations. Your locations may be different.

Typically Used by

 Used by sales staff and compliance officers for summarizing information needed for regulatory compliance

Key Requirements

Need to have accurate pack type conversions

All items need to be assigned to a Brand


Parameter Entry Options


Starting and Ending dates 
Item Groups(s)
Sort Order  (Choose: Brand or Business Partner)


Exclude Internal Customers?
Select Brand(s)

Parameter Entry Image

Report Image