Item Backorder Log

Version: 150113

Printed Report Title: Item Backorder Log

Report Summary

Shows open Sales Order quantity by Brand for orders due within a selected range of due dates

Default Location In OBeer

Base Module: Sales - A/R > Sales Reports > Orchestrated Reports

Reports Module: Reports > Sales and Purchasing > Orchestrated Reports (1)

*These are the standard default locations. Your locations may be different.


Typically Used by

Sales staff would typically use this to see which customers are still due products.

If there is a limited supply, sales could see all the open orders and determine which customers should be filled first.

Key Requirements

All sales items must have a brand specified 
Sales orders must have a reasonable planned ship date


Run a date range that starts prior to today (to see actual past due orders) and ends some time in the future. Then you'll have back orders and upcoming orders on the same report.

Parameter Entry Options


Starting and Ending Due Dates



Business Partners (Customers) 
Item Groups

Parameter Entry Image


Report Sample Image