Open Salesperson Documents

Version: 150113

Printed Report Title:  Open Salesperson Documents

Report Summary

List of open orders and documents by saleperson and month with document number, due date and line item qty & price.

Default Location In OBeer

Base Module: Sales - A/R > Sales Reports > Orchestrated Reports

Reports Module: Reports > Sales and Purchasing > Orchestrated Reports (1)

*These are the standard default locations. Your locations may be different.

Typically Used by

Sales Managers can run this to get an overview of the current activity for each salesperson. Salespeople could run it for themselves so they only see their activity.

Key Requirements

Assign a salesperson to each customer

Parameter Entry Options


Include Document types? (Choose from Sales Orders, Quotes and Returns) 
Select Salesperson


Select Brands 
Select Business Partners / Customers

Parameter Entry Image


Report Sample Image