Packaging Production (1xxx)

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Navigate to: Production > Production Forms > Packaging Worksheet

You should see the following window:



Select the PdO you want to process and then click the Express Button



The Express window will open



In the Header fill in:

  1. Actual Quantity Packaged
  2. Production Date (if different then current date)
  3. Batch ID code

In the Components section fill in:

  1. ActQty | Actual Quantity of materials consumed in the packaging run
    1. If there is an item that has a red bar it means that you either do not have enough in inventory, have the wrong warehouse selected to pull the quantity from or you didn’t actually use that item and need to remove it.
    2. If the above occurred then you need to select the cancel button to close out of the express screen. Then drill into the production order by clicking the yellow arrow next to the production order number on the Packaging Sheet window. Edit the production order then go back and complete the express screen. 

Once the Header and Components sections are completed click the Process button.

You will get a message saying it processed successfully and the Express screen will automatically disappear.

Double check that it processed by looking at the Issued and Receipt columns on the Packaging Worksheet (they should be checked)

Last step is to close the PdO. To do this select the PdO and then click the Close button. The Production order will open with its status switched to close. Confirm that this is what you want to do by clicking the Update button.