Fermentation Production (FRM)

Navigate to: Production > Production Forms > Brew Sheet Data

You should see the following window:


Select the Green Beer tab in the upper Left corner.

Select the PdO that you wish to process and then click the Express button


The Express window will open



In the Header fill in:

  1. Actual Quantity Produced (should be the amount received in the fermenter)
  2. Production Date (if different then current date)
  3. Batch ID code


In the Components section fill in:

  1. ActQty | You should fully consume the Mash (so that nothing is left over in the cook tank).
    1. If you have multiple batches you will need to fill in the amount consumed of each batch. As exampled in the picture above.


Once you have completed the Header and Components area click the Process button

If everything processed successfully the Express Production window will automatically close and the Issue and Receipt boxes will be checked.


Next you will want to close the PdO. Select the PdO that was completed and then click the Close button.


The Production Order window will open with the status switched to close. Confirm that this is what you want to do by clicking the Update button.