Quick Start: How To Use PrivNote

When sending sensitive information, it's important to use a process that is secured so that unauthorized users won't have access to that information. An example of this is when requesting a password reset. To achieve this, Orchestra consultants uses PriveNote which creates a secured way to exchange private information. OBeer consultants will ask you to send in your desired password (or give you a new one) using PrivNote.


  1. Go to https://privnote.com/
  2. Write in your information in the yellow box
  3. Click Create Note (you can optionally check the 'Notify me when this notes get read')
  4. PrivNote will create a link which you will then send to your consultant

You can only view the one note once. After that, the link will be destroyed and you will not have access to that information again. You'll need to send another request for a new note should that happen.