Inventory Transfers

Whenever an inventory item is located in the wrong warehouse - or someone simply wishes to move inventory from one warehouse to another - the Inventory Transfer function is used.

Step-by-step guide

  1. Go to Inventory > Inventory Transactions > Inventory Transfer.  
  2.  Fill in the "From Warehouse" and "To Warehouse" on the right side of the page.
  3. Pull in the item(s) to transfer in the document (click in to the cell and hit tab or the small circle icon)
    Note: You can select multiple items using the Shift or Ctrl key. 
  4. Fill in the quantity to transfer.
  5. Click "Add" in order to pull up the screen to select the batch(es) to pull this inventory from.
  6. When all the batches have been chosen, click "OK" followed by "Add" to finalize the transaction. Â