Used Barrel Shells | Bring Into Stock

Now the empty used barrels need to be brought into inventory.

  1. Click on the dropdown next to the Create New button and select Goods Received.
  2. Click the Create New button > a Goods Receipt window will open


Fill out the following fields:

  1. Date the Barrels were tipped and emptied
  2. The used barrel shell item(s) (RBU)
  3. Warehouse the empty barrels are stored in
  4. The quantity of empty barrels 

Click Add

A Batches - Setup screen will open

  1. In the Batch field fill in the Barrel ID Number associated with the barrel you tipped
  2. The Qty field should be 1 indicating one barrel shell for that ID number
  3. Click the Update button once all the Barrel ID Numbers are assigned


The Goods Receipt window should now be showing

Click Add to finalize the process of bringing the empty shells into stock.