Query: Check Register - Incoming Payments

Query Overview:

This query shows all the Incoming Payments on your Check Register.

Query Location:

Queries > OBEER Banking Queries > Check Register: Incoming Payments

Example Data:


Query Script:

Here is the actual query text in OBeer.  If you do not already have this query, you can copy this and paste it into your Query Generator and Save into your OBeer database.


SELECT T0.[CardCode], T1.[CardName], T0.[CheckKey], T0.[CheckDate],T0.[CheckNum],  T0.[BankCode], T0.[CheckSum], T2.[DeposNum] AS 'Deposit No.', T2.[DeposDate] AS 'Deposit Date', T3.[FormatCode] AS 'GL Account Deposited', T4.[DocNum] AS 'Incoming Payment Doc No.', T4.[DocDate] AS 'Incoming Payment Date' 


INNER JOIN OCRD T1 ON T0.CardCode = T1.CardCode

LEFT JOIN ODPS T2 ON T0.DpstAbs = T2.DeposId

LEFT JOIN OACT T3 ON T2.BanckAcct = T3.AcctCode

LEFT JOIN ORCT T4 ON T4.DocEntry = T0.RcptNum
